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Fueling US Forward Presents Scholarships to Black Youth in North Carolina, Recalling Kochs’ Troubling History on Education and Race

The fossil fuel industry’s effort to “start winning hearts and minds” arrived at a Baptist church in North Carolina recently in the form of three $1,500 scholarships for local high school students and a talk by Hubbel Relat, a Fueling US Forward representative, at a summit hosted by the Roanoke Valley Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Continue reading “Fueling US Forward Presents Scholarships to Black Youth in North Carolina, Recalling Kochs’ Troubling History on Education and Race”

The Koch Brothers Really Want Scott Pruitt to Run the EPA

On February 2, the Republican head of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee temporarily changed the rules to force a confirmation vote on Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA, despite the fact that Democrats had boycotted the vote a day earlier. Pruitt is set for full Senate confirmation vote sometime this week.

You can count the Koch brothers among those who are eager to see Pruitt confirmed. Continue reading “The Koch Brothers Really Want Scott Pruitt to Run the EPA”

New York Times Examines Fueling U.S. Forward, the Koch-Funded “Exploitative, Sad and Borderline Racist” Campaign


Back in August at the Red State Gathering in Denver, Fueling U.S. Forward President Charles Drevna revealed that one of the campaign’s major strategies would involve targeting minority communities. A remarkable article just published by The New York Times reveals how the group is enacting this strategy, hosting and supporting events in minority communities while promoting the “importance of domestic oil and natural gas to making people’s lives better,” as Drevna put it.

Eddie Bautista, executive director of the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance, called the Fueling U.S. Forward campaign “an exploitative, sad and borderline racist strategy.” Continue reading “New York Times Examines Fueling U.S. Forward, the Koch-Funded “Exploitative, Sad and Borderline Racist” Campaign”